Tuesday, February 7, 2012


1:00 (sniffed at 11:30, which kept me fine till now) and I'm off to lunch soon. If I finish eating by 2:00, I'll be fine for  my yoga class at 6:30, since you never want to eat two hours before a class.  A well digested lunch allows me to get into challenging poses without my stomach getting in the equation and preventing me from maxing out the pose.

Worst scenario is to eat or snack prior to yoga and do a back bend or downward dog and end up with acid reflux---something no one ever thinks or talks about. But, I do, since I have been experiencing bouts of Gerd and need to change my eating patterns to protect my insides from a painful and dangerous disorder. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001311/

Another reason that I love the diet support pen; I can simply sniff it five minutes prior to class and not feel hungry or think of food until class is over, instead I can remain calm and focused on the task at hand. I love yoga and would never want to give it up or distract my dristhi. (http://www.rainbowbody.net/HeartMind/Yogaglossary.htm)  Hope to see you in class. http://www.yogahighnyc.com/

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